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Finding Balance In A Busy Summer Schedule

Finding Balance In A Busy Summer Schedule

Summertime often evokes thoughts and memories of sunshine, vacation, and outdoor BBQs. As a parent, I have spent a fair amount of time trying to find ways to keep my family active, engaged, and having fun together. I would attempt to plan activities such as camping, visiting with friends/family, planning dinners, organizing sleepovers, going to the beach, etc. The “fun times” were great but were also intermingled with work, cleaning the house, and grocery shopping. As thoughts of the summer began to approach I noticed a feeling of stress and exhaustion instead of balance and relaxation. I have heard these same struggles voiced by many of my clients. Therefore, I ask you – how can we create balance within a busy summer schedule?

What is Balance?

Merriam and Webster have a full list of definitions of what balance actually is. Several definitions that resonated with me were a physical state of equilibrium; to bring into harmony or proportion; and stability that is produced by even distribution. While these definitions appear simple and concrete the reality can be elusive to attain. Creating balance in our lives takes focus, practice, and attention.

Start with asking yourself some questions:
– What helps me to feel content and calm?
– What would it be like to do less? Is this possible?
– What does balance look like and feel like?
– Has there been a time in my life that I have felt a level of work/life balance?

Simple strategies:

Set a timer
– Set the timer for 5 minutes and try to do one thing uninterrupted that helps to bring that feeling of balance or calm.

– Maybe it is a quiet cup of coffee in the morning that starts your day with balance or maybe it is spending 20 minutes in solitude before anyone else is awake in your house.

– The simple act of coloring is a way to regulate our bodies and create a state of balance within ourselves. It induces the same state as meditating by reducing the thoughts of a restless mind. This generates mindfulness and quietness, which allows your mind to get some rest after a long day at work.

Mountain Yoga Pose
– Stand with feet hip-width apart, with arms by your side and palms facing in. Take a few deep breaths to become aware of your breathing. Stand tall with the spine straight and the head lifted. Breathe deeply and widely into the lungs; creating a sense of space in the entire chest area with each in-breath.

As you approach your summer with exciting plans I encourage you to also invite balance into your everyday schedule. Simple mindfulness practices help to engage the mind and the body – helping you to let go and slowly bring you back to a sense of peace and balance.

Resource(s): The Little Book of Mindfulness. 10 Minutes a Day to Less Stress, More Peace. (2014). Dr. P. Collard; Hachette Book Group; USA.[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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