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Hormones and Brain Fog

Hormones and Brain Fog

Brain fog is that tired, distracted, forgetful state that can make most of our everyday functioning a little bit harder and slower. It can feel more challenging to remain engaged in social interactions, harder to retain the details of a set of instructions or to process information. It’s like the world keeps rushing by while our minds are stuck in a slower gear. Sometimes, sadly, this fogginess can create patterns of social withdrawal, leaving us lacking confidence, and holding ourselves back from opportunities. It is also common to experience anxiousness, insecurity and sometimes even low mood or depressed.

There are many possible reasons for brain fog which, includes variables that we can control (such as proper nutrition and getting adequate sleep) and variables that may be beyond our awareness (such as Thyroid conditions, inflammation, and vitamin deficiencies). It is always a good idea to speak with your primary care physician and/or naturopath to try to determine the source of the problem.

Another lesser known culprit for brain fog is the fluctuation of estrogen. Whether naturally produced by the body or used as part of hormone replacement therapies, estrogen influences the brain by increasing blood flow, enhancing brain metabolism, and improving brain connectivity. It also influences serotonin, an important neurochemical involved in mood. Estrogen even helps to remove proteins that contribute to the development of Alzheimer’s. (Gunter, J., 2021).

Biologically female bodies will naturally cycle through estrogen peaks and valleys every month during child bearing years, from the time of puberty until menopause. Pregnancy and perinatal periods are also times of significant hormonal fluctuation. The menopause transition (sometimes referred to as perimenopause) is another period of adjusting to changes in hormonal levels. This phase can last for years, along with the drop in hormones will have significant impacts (such as hot flashes, insomnia, where the body stores weight/fat, decreased bone density). How affected an individual is by these fluctuations will also vary significantly.

Women and their hormones are often ridiculed and minimized, yet it is no joke. Many suffer in silence and shame, push through the discomfort and find ways to compensate for fluctuations in mental clarity and overall feelings of wellbeing. Sadly, many women are treated for depression/anxiety, medicated with anti-depressants, and/or pathologized for their symptoms. Women’s health and bodies have been misunderstood and many don’t know where to find support, answers and treatment (if needed).

Bear in mind, that while all of this is going on in biologically female bodies/brains, these humans continue to thrive. Women are learning, growing, connecting, creating, building careers, managing businesses and households, raising children and carrying the emotional needs of partners, parents, friends and children. Concurrently, women are finding their voices, doing their own research, advocating for proper assessment and medical care. All in a day’s work!

At Synergy Counselling, we want to break the silence around women’s hormones. We can work alongside a naturopath, functional medicine practitioner, or family physician who is testing and monitoring hormones. We can also offer support/coaching for those who struggle to advocate for themselves within the medical systems; in some cases, where the unaddressed and misunderstood symptoms have led to low mood or depression, we are here to help.

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