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Kintsugi – Beauty In Repair

Kintsugi – Beauty In Repair

Caring for yourself through and after trauma can take many different forms and varieties from the spiritual to the practical.  As the world responded to multiple crises in 2020: pandemic, the opioid epidemic, racial injustice, and gender-based crimes you may have read that we are going through collective trauma.   

Being alert to survival is a common, normal response.  In fact, you may have survived a trauma (single incident) or an ongoing series of traumas in your life (complex) in the recent or distant past as well.  These events can include things like natural disasters, being a witness or victim of violence, occupational stress for front-line workers, suicide, or chronic oppression based on your race, gender, sexuality, and much more. You are not alone in this is a part of your story.  And alongside all attacks on the body, mind, and spirit on us as human beings there exists a parallel story of resistance, dignity preservation, and power that we as counsellors at Synergy are continually honored to be witness to.  

However your coping looks right now, it’s okay.  A prominent tool that has lots of information online about how to support oneself during emotions of overwhelm and/or flashbacks is GROUNDING.  Simply put, it is orienting to the present moment and one’s external surroundings.  There are many ways to do this and a popular one is: Use your senses – name 5 things you see, hear, feel, smell, and taste. Click here for some additional options you may explore.

If you feel ready to add therapy to your self-care in coping with traumaSynergy has therapists who offer varied types of support, including the use of tools such as EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing), a trauma-informed intervention that can be offered both in-person and through telehealth. We are also able to offer an EMDR supplemental intervention called the Flash Technique which includes a way to process a traumatic and distressing memory without even having to talk about it.  We’re here to collaborate on a plan of support that fits you when you are ready.

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