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Mental Health & Parenting A Child With Special Needs

Mental Health & Parenting A Child With Special Needs

Parenting a child with special needs is a challenge that is seldom spoken about in a meaningful way. You often hear something said along these lines; “I could never do what you do; you are so strong!” as if you had a choice other than rising to the occasion and trying your best to parent your child. Survival is confused with strength, as your struggles and fears are frequently minimized. For example: “All kids do that!”, “But aren’t we all a little autistic?”, “I knew someone who didn’t speak until they were four years old and they grew up fine!”. You are left feeling isolated and misunderstood, and maybe even guilty for struggling as much as you do.

The mental health of parents and siblings of children with special needs is rarely addressed, and these family members often struggle in silence. Many issues such as depression, anxiety, trauma symptoms, post-traumatic stress disorder, compassion fatigue, and caregiver burnout are common for all involved, that includes parents, caregivers, extended family, and siblings of children with special needs.

Anytime a child fails to follow the standard path of development, this causes ongoing fear and anxiety for parents. It is also common to experience grief and loss. You mourn the loss of the future that you were expecting for your child and grieve the difficulties and uncertainties that your child faces in the present. Physical and intellectual disabilities can also interfere with early attachment between parents and children, which can be traumatizing for both parties. You may also be exposed to ongoing trauma as a result of navigating the disability. Your child might deal with difficult symptoms, and having to make things work in a world that is not designed for your child takes its toll. You and your family may experience isolation because of a lack of inclusivity and lack of understanding of your unique needs.

At Synergy, we want you to know that you are not alone in this fight. We understand the experience of special needs parenting and the unique mental health needs of parents of children with special needs. If you, like so many others, struggle with the mental and emotional load of caring for a child with extra or exceptional needs, please reach out today.

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