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The Why’s and How’s of Journaling…

The Why’s and How’s of Journaling…

Why journal:

Writing can do wonders for your health and keeping a journal has great benefits you can enjoy immediately. Beyond keeping your creative juices flowing regular writing can give you a safe, cathartic release valve for the stresses of your daily life.  

In fact, there’s so much data about the mental and emotional benefits of journaling that counselors, social workers, and therapists often encourage their clients to do it. Regular writing can be functional, too, and serve as a reminder of mistakes you’ve made, accomplishments you’re proud of, and great moments you want to remember.

How to Start a Journal:

Once you start writing, drawing and gluing “stuff” in every day it can quickly become a habit.

  • Time yourself
    • A good technique to avoid giving up or getting bored is to give yourself 10 minutes maximum every day to make your mark.
  • Do not fear the blank page
    •  Think small so you do not become overwhelmed. You do not need to create a masterpiece; you just need to write or draw something in the journal every day.
  • Make your journal precious
    • A lot of people do not like to spend money on a journal because they are afraid to wreck it. Journals can be precious, as it captures an experience over time.  Try not to worry about “wrecking” the journal….just enjoy it as it gets filled up.
  • Collect everything
    • Anything you come across in daily life is great for a journal; a card your child has made for you, ticket stubs to a favorite movie, or a great article from a magazine or newspaper.   

Have fun and Happy Journaling!


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