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tech support

About techsupport

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So far techsupport has created 48 blog entries.

Craving Change….

Raise your hand if you have struggled with food cravings, emotional eating, or even just managing regular eating patterns. It is natural to deal with these at different times in our lives depending on stress, work, school, parenting and just dealing with life. Then….a pandemic is thrown into the mix and perhaps many of the [...]

Craving Change….2021-05-14T13:46:19-07:00


The most common goal I hear from couples in counselling is that they want to improve their communication when they fight.  Many couples experience discord when trying to work through disagreements, hurts, betrayals, and disappointments, and they have a sense that there is a better way.  However, research done by well-known couple counselling researcher, [...]


Kintsugi – Beauty In Repair

Caring for yourself through and after trauma can take many different forms and varieties from the spiritual to the practical.  As the world responded to multiple crises in 2020: pandemic, the opioid epidemic, racial injustice, and gender-based crimes you may have read that we are going through collective trauma.    Being alert to survival is a common, normal [...]

Kintsugi – Beauty In Repair2021-02-25T12:35:21-08:00

What Do We Really Mean By Self-Care? Breaking Down The Ambiguity

Winter can be a challenging time.  There is less sunlight, the holidays may evoke feelings of stress and loneliness, and it’s a time of year when family conflict and old wounds rise to the surface.  The need to practice self-care is important year-round, but it is especially important during times that place extra demands [...]

What Do We Really Mean By Self-Care? Breaking Down The Ambiguity2021-01-22T22:45:47-08:00

Shame is not a Social Justice Tool

Disclosure:  I am afraid to publish anything written these days.  It feels vulnerable to put myself out there and to have an opinion.  So rather than sharing my opinions on the day’s topics, I wanted to share my humble opinion on people’s emotions.  I have never been overly active on social media and I have spent most [...]

Shame is not a Social Justice Tool2020-11-05T11:41:31-08:00

“Serenity Now!” – Back to School Edition

Remember that Seinfeld episode where Frank Costanza is advised by his doctor to say “serenity now” every time he gets angry, as a way to help him lower his blood pressure? Frank is shown raising his hands to the sky, exclaiming “SERENITY NOW!” at all kinds situations. It’s funny, and yet, anybody feeling like [...]

“Serenity Now!” – Back to School Edition2020-10-30T14:22:31-07:00

Learning To Tolerate Uncertainty

A few days ago, I came across a post on social media that hit one of my deepest nerves. A well-known clothing company was promoting their workout gear using phrases like “excuses have run out”, “start establishing new habits” and “you now have all the time”. The photo that accompanied the post was of [...]

Learning To Tolerate Uncertainty2020-04-21T20:13:45-07:00

Tips For Teletherapy

Synergy Counselling Community, At Synergy Counselling our mission is to provide access to exceptional mental health care for everyone, and we remain deeply committed to ensuring access to care.  As the world responds to the COVID 19 pandemic, our concerns around personal health and safety of our clients, their families, our team and the [...]

Tips For Teletherapy2020-03-19T19:46:05-07:00