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Rising Strong™ – Join Us For Our Rising Strong Retreat

Vulnerability has a bad reputation. Most people will do what they can to avoid it at all costs. It is often uncomfortable, sometimes messy, and the outcomes are unpredictable. Yet, it is an inevitable part of life. It is also the pathway to our hopes, goals, and dreams. According to researcher and author Brené [...]

Rising Strong™ – Join Us For Our Rising Strong Retreat2019-06-24T16:50:22-07:00

The Landscape Of Fertility & Infertility

The landscape of fertility/infertility is vast and overrun with a complex, passionate story for many people.  As therapists at Synergy counselling we are witnesses to the courage and humility involved in the living of these stories.  The scope of fertility counselling/support is a wide spectrum and can include: supporting LGBTQ and heterosexual couples to prepare for conception [...]

The Landscape Of Fertility & Infertility2019-05-15T17:21:18-07:00

The Why’s and How’s of Journaling…

Why journal: Writing can do wonders for your health and keeping a journal has great benefits you can enjoy immediately. Beyond keeping your creative juices flowing regular writing can give you a safe, cathartic release valve for the stresses of your daily life.   In fact, there's so much data about the mental and [...]

The Why’s and How’s of Journaling…2019-04-02T10:46:24-07:00

A Better Way to Separate

Separation and divorce are not a new concept. Generally speaking, the divorce rate in Canada is roughly 40%. This does not reflect the diversity of relationships that end in separation. However, this is a high enough number to make the matter of separation one of public interest, particularly considering how many parents are concerned [...]

A Better Way to Separate2019-03-07T10:58:05-08:00

Long-term Passion

Not too long ago, couples didn’t look to each other to have many needs met other than raising children and seeking financial stability.  Now, couples want their partners to be their predictable, secure best friend, and at the same time, their mysterious, sexy Hollywood lover.   And, to add to this challenge, we live in [...]

Long-term Passion2019-02-21T22:22:06-08:00

Holiday time and anxiety: Some useful tips for getting through it all.  

Peppermint mochas have now officially surpassed pumpkin spice lattes.  There's no denying it - the holiday season is upon us!  As always, most of us can expect a busy season of friends, family, parties, shopping, decorating, cooking, baking, entertaining and so forth.  And let's not forget about that controversial elf.  Needless to say, the holidays are packed with extras. [...]

Holiday time and anxiety: Some useful tips for getting through it all.  2018-12-03T16:08:47-08:00

Parents, Children and Feelings

Parenting is hard. A common theme I encounter is parents’ desire to alleviate suffering for their child. Also most parents find it difficult to see their child hurting emotionally. In our well intentioned efforts to help, soothe, and reduce suffering we sometimes end up accidentally minimizing our children’s feelings leaving them with experiences of [...]

Parents, Children and Feelings2018-12-05T15:34:12-08:00

Mindful Meditation

Mindful meditation is an effective method for improving mental and physical well-being. The changes in the brain impact learning because mindful meditation can be used in our daily life as a great way to calm and regulate emotions. A calm body can learn better. The clinical effectiveness of mindful meditation has been suggested to [...]

Mindful Meditation2018-11-02T09:49:57-07:00